248 years ago today, in the Tun Tavern on Water Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Captain Samuel Nicolas of the United States Navy recruited two battalions of young men to join an elite group. These brave young men were the first in history to join what the world would come to know as The Few, The Proud, The United States Marine Corps.
Although we have all heard of the United State Marines, back then they were known as the Continental Marines. This was because the United States wouldn't even become a country until the next year! Did you know that the Marines are older than the United States itself?
Since that fateful day in November, 248 years ago the Marines have been the first to fight, in theaters across the world in defense of Freedom and the American way of life. Through all of these conflicts their reputation as the most loyal, feared, revered and professional fighting force the world has ever known has only grown. For an example of the expanse of their operations and tenacity of their members, one need not look further than the opening lines of the Marines Hymn: "From the Halls of Montezuma, To the Shores of Tripoli; We will fight our country's battles, in the air, on the land and sea. First to fight for right and Freedom, and to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title of United State Marine." As the grandson of a proud Marine, I am overwhelmed with pride and chills every time I hear the Marines Hymn.

To celebrate this momentous event in United States History, The Flathead Marines and the VFW will be throwing a Marine Corps Birthday Ball in their Honor! The event will be held Saturday, November 11th at the Wachholz College Center (795 Grandview Drive, Kalispell, MT). The festivities will begin at 4PM with a Happy Hour, seating for the ceremony will begin at 5PM, Followed by a dinner and an evening of dancing, auctions and raffles. All the proceeds will go to support veterans in the Flathead Valley!
To ensure you have cash for all the auctions, raffles and of course, the libations, make sure to check out the Bancard ATM! Located directly to your left as you enter the event, underneath the sign for the Karas Reception Hall. To show our appreciation for The Marines and all our Veterans, Bancard ATM will be donating 100% of the surcharge costs at that ATM to further support Flathead Valley Veterans.

The Marines, along with veterans of the other services have sacrificed so much for all of us to live and prosper in the free country that we do today. Make sure you raise a glass to all of them this Veterans Day weekend, say thank you, and if you see a Marine, wish them a very Happy Birthday. Never forget from that very first day in Philadelphia, until today, and forevermore, the Marines will remain Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful.
Thank you Marines, and Happy 248th birthday from all of us at Bancard ATM.